1. Would they do more than others? then they must deny themselves more than others
2. Would they deny themselves more than others? then they should pray more than others
3. Would they pray more than others? then they should resolve more than others
4. Would they resolve more than others? then they should love more than others
5. Would they love more than others? then they should believe more than others
6. Would they believe more than others? then they should know more than others
7. Would they know more than others? then God must reveal himself more to them than he does to others
Matt. 5:47 'What do ye more than others?'
William Secker(d. 1681?), The nonsuch professor in his meridian splendour, or, The singular actions of sanctified Christians (also titled 'The Consistent Christian')
The book is based on seven sermons given at All Hallows, London Wall in 1660.
'Those people...who are sincerely desirous of knowing and becoming such Christians, will derive advantage from a perusal of Secker's "Consistent Christian." It is written for men of plain sense, and is adapted to the taste of no 'scholarly' reader. It is a book of practical godliness...Mr. Secker points to Jesus as the rock upon which the soul rests, and insists upon godly works as the only conclusive evidence, that the professor of religion can give of his having the faith of God's elect'. Alexander McLeod
As Secker himself puts it in the Introduction ‘the design of this piece is not the ostentation of the author, but the edification of the reader’.
It can be purchased here